Pediatric Dentistry

Schedule an appointment at Gil Dental Clinic

San Pedro | Escazú | Guanacaste

As the name indicates, this is the area of dentistry dedicated to children and teenagers.

Baby teeth in children have a special function in human development and, without adequate care, neglecting our childhood teeth can compromise our general health and permanent teeth.

These teeth have a vital function in chewing, pronouncing words and keeping optimal spacing for permanent teeth to emerge.

The special care of temporal teeth is extremely important for dental health. Applying sealants, having regular cleanings and topical fluoride treatments are a part of our dental care routine at Gil Dental Group.

At Gil Dental Group, we ensure dental care is provided to the young ones as well as reminders that proper dental care leads to healthy teeth. Our main objective is to treat dental cavities and other dental issues without pain so that chidren will remember their visits to the dentist with a big smile.

pediatric dentistry